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Anonymous, Capital Estates MHP
I reside at Capital Estates and Lydia Mitchell is the property manager. I moved into the community in March 2023 and in April 2023 I received a notice from Sacramento Electric Utility Company (SMUD) stating that my electricity would be disconnected because and final safety inspection on the electrical pedestal had not been done. The Park owns the Pedestal therefore, it was their responsibility, and she marked on my Agreement that there were no electrical issues. When I notified her of the SMUD notice, she was no help, and as a matter of fact, she tried to scam me out of $1,500 while in my vulnerable position. The result of this issue was that I lived without electricity for 6 weeks because she would not sign the HCD form. I had to get an attorney to put pressure on the Park's attorney to get her to sign the form. I had to take "the park "to small claims to recover my expenses. I presented proof to the judge that she knew there were electrical issues months before I moved in. I had no refrigeration, no AC or Heat, lights, no washer & dryer, no alarm system, etc. Living without electricity was difficult and I got sick. The Sacramento Bee came out to do a story. I was told by other residents that this was the worst case that they heard of and Lydia should lose her job. However, she is still here making residents miserable.
I reside at Capital Estates and Lydia Mitchell is the property manager. I moved into the community in March 2023 and in April 2023 I received a notice from Sacramento Electric Utility Company (SMUD) stating that my electricity would be disconnected because and final safety inspection on the electrical pedestal had not been done. The Park owns the Pedestal therefore, it was their responsibility, and she marked on my Agreement that there were no electrical issues. When I notified her of the SMUD notice, she was no help, and as a matter of fact, she tried to scam me out of $1,500 while in my vulnerable position. The result of this issue was that I lived without electricity for 6 weeks because she would not sign the HCD form. I had to get an attorney to put pressure on the Park's attorney to get her to sign the form. I had to take "the park "to small claims to recover my expenses. I presented proof to the judge that she knew there were electrical issues months before I moved in. I had no refrigeration, no AC or Heat, lights, no washer & dryer, no alarm system, etc. Living without electricity was difficult and I got sick. The Sacramento Bee came out to do a story. I was told by other residents that this was the worst case that they heard of and Lydia should lose her job. However, she is still here making residents miserable.